Kalman Filter Auto Tuning
Mar 27, 2019 KalmanFilter-Vehicle-GNSS-INS. Project is about the determination of the trajectory of a moving platform by using a Kalman filter. For this purpose a kinematic multi sensor system (MSS) is used, which is equipped with three fiber-optic gyroscopes and three servo accelerometers. May 23, 2012 Towards Auto-tuning of Kalman Filters for Underwater Gliders based on Consistency Metrics A multiobjective optimization approach to filter tuning applied to coupled hyperbolic PDEs describing gas flow dynamics.
This example shows how to perform Kalman filtering. Both a steady state filter and a time varying filter are designed and simulated below.
Problem Description
Given the following discrete plant
design a Kalman filter to estimate the output y based on the noisy measurements yv[n] = C x[n] + v[n]
Steady-State Kalman Filter Design
You can use the function KALMAN to design a steady-state Kalman filter. This function determines the optimal steady-state filter gain M based on the process noise covariance Q and the sensor noise covariance R.
First specify the plant + noise model. CAUTION: set the sample time to -1 to mark the plant as discrete.
Specify the process noise covariance (Q):
Specify the sensor noise covariance (R):
Now design the steady-state Kalman filter with the equations
The first output of the Kalman filter KALMF is the plant output estimate y_e = Cx[n n], and the remaining outputs are the state estimates. Keep only the first output y_e:
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To see how this filter works, generate some data and compare the filtered response with the true plant response:
Sometimes it can be difficult for non-singers to hear slight sharp or flat notes, or notes that aren't in the scale of the song, so Auto-Tune in many cases can actually help point out the problem areas. This is why major artists who use Auto-Tune sound really good, because chances are they can sing pretty well before Auto-Tune is even applied. I think it is generally first in the chain, though there may be some subtractive EQ before it depending on how well the vocal is recorded. AutoTune after eq, compression, reverb, etc. Would not sound great unless you specifically wanted that effect, I don't think. Should i auto tune before equipment.
To simulate the system above, you can generate the response of each part separately or generate both together. To simulate each separately, first use LSIM with the plant and then with the filter. The following example simulates both together.
Next, connect the plant model and the Kalman filter in parallel by specifying u as a shared input:
Finally, connect the plant output yv to the filter input yv. Note: yv is the 4th input of SYS and also its 2nd output:
The resulting simulation model has w,v,u as inputs and y,y_e as outputs:
You are now ready to simulate the filter behavior. Generate a sinusoidal input vector (known):
Generate process noise and sensor noise vectors:
Now simulate the response using LSIM:
Compare the true response with the filtered response:
As shown in the second plot, the Kalman filter reduces the error y-yv due to measurement noise. To confirm this, compare the error covariances:
Covariance of error before filtering (measurement error):
Covariance of error after filtering (estimation error):
Time-Varying Kalman Filter Design
Now, design a time-varying Kalman filter to perform the same task. A time-varying Kalman filter can perform well even when the noise covariance is not stationary. However for this example, we will use stationary covariance.
Extended Kalman Filter Tutorial
The time varying Kalman filter has the following update equations.
First, generate the noisy plant response:
Next, implement the filter recursions in a FOR loop:
Now, compare the true response with the filtered response:
Auto Tuning Games
The time varying filter also estimates the output covariance during the estimation. Plot the output covariance to see if the filter has reached steady state (as we would expect with stationary input noise):
From the covariance plot you can see that the output covariance did reach a steady state in about 5 samples. From then on, the time varying filter has the same performance as the steady state version.
Compare covariance errors:
Covariance of error before filtering (measurement error):
Kalman Filter Equations
Covariance of error after filtering (estimation error):
Verify that the steady-state and final values of the Kalman gain matrices coincide: