Sound Function In Dev C++

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Jun 26, 2017 Yes sound can be played in c and c both. It is not standardized though we can play.But its operating system depended. In C: Sound function produces the sound of a specified frequency. You want to bet there's no playsound function? I know for a fact there is cause i've used it. But it won't work in an OpenGL file, only console application. I need help, so don't talk about what you don't know. Those three lines EXACTLY work in Dev C console application. I will bet you that there is no playsound (or PlaySound) function. To use delay function in your program you should include the 'dos.h' header file which is not a part of standard C library. Delay in C program If you don't wish to use delay function then you can use loops to produce delay in a C program.

Mar 19, 2008  Just go to project project options parameters and type '-lwinmm' in the LINKER section. As far as I have rationalized it (which may or may not be true lol), this links the winmm.lib library to the project, so that the PlaySound function (which is located in windows.h) may successfully execute. C: Functions We've talked a little bit about functions in the past - they're pieces of code that can be executed on command. In fact we've been using functions right since the very start of this process, we just haven't really talked about them in depth - this is what this tutorial is all about.


The C++ expression parser supports all forms of C++ expression syntax. The syntax includes all data types (including pointers, floating-point numbers, and arrays) and all C++ unary and binary operators.

Numbers in C++ Expressions

Numbers in C++ expressions are interpreted as decimal numbers, unless you specify them in another manner. To specify a hexadecimal integer, add 0x before the number. To specify an octal integer, add 0 (zero) before the number.

The default debugger radix does not affect how you enter C++ expressions. You cannot directly enter a binary number (except by nesting a MASM expression within the C++ expression).


You can enter a hexadecimal 64-bit value in the xxxxxxxx`xxxxxxxx format. (You can also omit the grave accent ( ` ).) Both formats produce the same value.

You can use the L, U, and I64 suffixes with integer values. The actual size of the number that is created depends on the suffix and the number that you enter. For more information about this interpretation, see a C++ language reference.

The output of the C++ expression evaluator keeps the data type that the C++ expression rules specify. However, if you use this expression as an argument for a command, a cast is always made. For example, you do not have to cast integer values to pointers when they are used as addresses in command arguments. If the expression's value cannot be validly cast to an integer or a pointer, a syntax error occurs.

Sound Function In Dev C System

You can use the 0n (decimal) prefix for some output, but you cannot use it for C++ expression input.

Characters and Strings in C++ Expressions

You can enter a character by surrounding it with single quotation marks ( ' ). The standard C++ escape characters are permitted.

You can enter string literals by surrounding them with double quotation marks ( ' ). You can use ' as an escape sequence within such a string. However, strings have no meaning to the expression evaluator.

Symbols in C++ Expressions

In a C++ expression, each symbol is interpreted according to its type. Depending on what the symbol refers to, it might be interpreted as an integer, a data structure, a function pointer, or any other data type. If you use a symbol that does not correspond to a C++ data type (such as an unmodified module name) within a C++ expression, a syntax error occurs.

If the symbol might be ambiguous, you can add a module name and an exclamation point ( ! ) or only an exclamation point before the symbol. For more information about symbol recognition, see Symbol Syntax and Symbol Matching.

You can use a grave accent ( ` ) or an apostrophe ( ' ) in a symbol name only if you add a module name and exclamation point before the symbol name.

When you add the < and > delimiters after a template name, you can add spaces between these delimiters.

Operators in C++ Expressions

You can always use parentheses to override precedence rules.

If you enclose part of a C++ expression in parentheses and add two at signs (@@) before the expression, the expression is interpreted according to MASM expression rules. You cannot add a space between the two at signs and the opening parenthesis. The final value of this expression is passed to the C++ expression evaluator as a ULONG64 value. You can also specify the expression evaluator by using @@c++( .. ) or @@masm( .. ).

Data types are indicated as usual in the C++ language. The symbols that indicate arrays ( [ ] ), pointer members ( -> ), UDT members ( . ), and members of classes ( :: ) are all recognized. All arithmetic operators are supported, including assignment and side-effect operators. However, you cannot use the new, delete, and throw operators, and you cannot actually call a function.

Pointer arithmetic is supported and offsets are scaled correctly. Note that you cannot add an offset to a function pointer. (If you have to add an offset to a function pointer, cast the offset to a character pointer first.)

As in C++, if you use operators with invalid data types, a syntax error occurs. The debugger's C++ expression parser uses slightly more relaxed rules than most C++ compilers, but all major rules are enforced. For example, you cannot shift a non-integer value.

You can use the following operators. The operators in each cell take precedence over those in lower cells. Operators in the same cell are of the same precedence and are parsed from left to right. As with C++, expression evaluation ends when its value is known. This ending enables you to effectively use expressions such as ?? myPtr && *myPtr.



Ignore all subsequent text




Member of class

Member of class (destructor)







dynamic_cast <type>(Value)

static_cast <type>(Value)

reinterpret_cast <type>(Value)

const_cast <type>(Value)

Field in a structure

Field in referenced structure

Array subscript

Increment (after evaluation)

Decrement (after evaluation)

Typecast (always performed)

Typecast (always performed)

Typecast (always performed)

Typecast (always performed)












Typecast (always performed)

Size of expression

Size of data type

Increment (before evaluation)

Decrement (before evaluation)

Bit complement

Not (Boolean)

Unary minus

Unary plus

Address of data type


Structure. Pointer

Pointer-> *Pointer

Pointer to member of structure

Pointer to member of referenced structure













Bitwise shift left

Bitwise shift right





Less than (comparison)

Less than or equal (comparison)

Greater than (comparison)

Greater than or equal (comparison)



Equal (comparison)

Not equal (comparison)


Bitwise AND


Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR)


Bitwise OR


Logical AND


Logical OR










LValue =Value



Multiply and assign

Divide and assign

Modulo and assign

Add and assign

Subtract and assign

Shift left and assign

Shift right and assign

AND and assign

OR and assign

XOR and assign


Conditional evaluation


Evaluate all values, and then discard all except the rightmost value

Registers and Pseudo-Registers in C++ Expressions

You can use registers and pseudo-registers within C++ expressions. You must add an at sign ( @ ) before the register or pseudo-register.

The expression evaluator automatically performs the proper cast. Actual registers and integer-value pseudo-registers are cast to ULONG64. All addresses are cast to PUCHAR, $thread is cast to ETHREAD*, $proc is cast to EPROCESS*, $teb is cast to TEB*, and $peb is cast to PEB*.

You cannot change a register or pseudo-register by an assignment or side-effect operator. You must use the r (Registers) command to change these values.

For more information about registers and pseudo-registers, see Register Syntax and Pseudo-Register Syntax.

Macros in C++ Expressions

You can use macros within C++ expressions. You must add a number sign (#) before the macros.

You can use the following macros. These macros have the same definitions as the Microsoft Windows macros with the same name. (The Windows macros are defined in Winnt.h.)

MacroReturn Value

#CONTAINING_RECORD(Address, Type, Field)

Returns the base address of an instance of a structure, given the type of the structure and the address of a field within the structure.

#FIELD_OFFSET(Type, Field)

Returns the byte offset of a named field in a known structure type. Dev c web.

#RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD (Struct, Size, Field)

Indicates whether the given byte size includes the desired field.

#RTL_FIELD_SIZE(Type, Field)

Returns the size of a field in a structure of known type, without requiring the type of the field.


Returns the number of elements in a statically sized array.


Returns the size of a structure of known type, up through and including a specified field.


The PlaySound function plays a sound specified by the given file name, resource, or system event. (A system event may be associated with a sound in the registry or in the WIN.INI file.)



  • pszSound
    A string that specifies the sound to play. The maximum length, including the null terminator, is 256 characters. If this parameter is NULL, any currently playing waveform sound is stopped.

    Three flags in fdwSound (SND_ALIAS, SND_FILENAME, and SND_RESOURCE) determine whether the name is interpreted as an alias for a system event, a file name, or a resource identifier. If none of these flags are specified, PlaySound searches the registry or the WIN.INI file for an association with the specified sound name. If an association is found, the sound event is played. If no association is found in the registry, the name is interpreted as a file name.

  • hmod
    Handle to the executable file that contains the resource to be loaded. This parameter must be NULL unless SND_RESOURCE is specified in fdwSound.

  • fdwSound
    Flags for playing the sound. The following values are defined.

    SND_APPLICATIONThe pszSound parameter is an application-specific alias in the registry. You can combine this flag with the SND_ALIAS or SND_ALIAS_ID flag to specify an application-defined sound alias.
    SND_ALIASThe pszSound parameter is a system-event alias in the registry or the WIN.INI file. Do not use with either SND_FILENAME or SND_RESOURCE.
    SND_ALIAS_IDThe pszSound parameter is a predefined identifier for a system-event alias. See Remarks.
    SND_ASYNCThe sound is played asynchronously and PlaySound returns immediately after beginning the sound. To terminate an asynchronously played waveform sound, call PlaySound with pszSound set to NULL.
    SND_FILENAMEThe pszSound parameter is a file name. If the file cannot be found, the function plays the default sound unless the SND_NODEFAULT flag is set.
    SND_LOOPThe sound plays repeatedly until PlaySound is called again with the pszSound parameter set to NULL. If this flag is set, you must also set the SND_ASYNC flag.
    SND_MEMORYThe pszSound parameter points to a sound loaded in memory.

    For more information, see Playing WAVE Resources.

    SND_NODEFAULTNo default sound event is used. If the sound cannot be found, PlaySound returns silently without playing the default sound.

    The specified sound event will yield to another sound event that is already playing in the same process. If a sound cannot be played because the resource needed to generate that sound is busy playing another sound, the function immediately returns FALSE without playing the requested sound.

    If this flag is not specified, PlaySound attempts to stop any sound that is currently playing in the same process. Sounds played in other processes are not affected.


    Not supported.

    Note Previous versions of the documentation implied incorrectly that this flag is supported. The function ignores this flag.
    SND_PURGENot supported.
    SND_RESOURCEThe pszSound parameter is a resource identifier; hmod must identify the instance that contains the resource.

    For more information, see Playing WAVE Resources.

    SND_SENTRYNote Requires Windows Vista or later.

    If this flag is set, the function triggers a SoundSentry event when the sound is played.

    SoundSentry is an accessibility feature that causes the computer to display a visual cue when a sound is played. If the user did not enable SoundSentry, the visual cue is not displayed.

    SND_SYNCThe sound is played synchronously, and PlaySound returns after the sound event completes. This is the default behavior.
    SND_SYSTEMNote Requires Windows Vista or later.

    If this flag is set, the sound is assigned to the audio session for system notification sounds. The system volume-control program (SndVol) displays a volume slider that controls system notification sounds. Setting this flag puts the sound under the control of that volume slider

    If this flag is not set, the sound is assigned to the default audio session for the application's process.

    For more information, see the documentation for the Core Audio APIs.

Return value

Returns TRUE if successful or FALSE otherwise.


The sound specified by pszSound must fit into available physical memory and be playable by an installed waveform-audio device driver.

PlaySound searches the following directories for sound files: the current directory; the Windows directory; the Windows system directory; directories listed in the PATH environment variable; and the list of directories mapped in a network. If the function cannot find the specified sound and the SND_NODEFAULT flag is not specified, PlaySound uses the default system event sound instead. If the function can find neither the system default entry nor the default sound, it makes no sound and returns FALSE.

If the SND_ALIAS_ID flag is specified in fdwSound, the pszSound parameter must be one of the following values.


The SND_ASYNC flag causes PlaySound to return immediately without waiting for the sound to finish playing. If you combine the SND_MEMORY and SND_ASYNC flags, the memory buffer that contains the sound must remain valid until the sound has completed playing.


The following example plays a sound file:

PreSonus, the makers of Studio One, has teamed up with Accusonus, to offer an exclusive time-limited (2 week) offer for all Studio One customers.Get a copy of Regroover Essential, worth $99, completely free of charge! Regroover pro vst crack. With Regroover you can transform your drum loops and samples into new beats and grooves, create endless variations and remix/isolate sounds inside a stereo audio loop., we take a detailed look at the bigger brother Pro by. Regroover Pro claims to allow users to extract discrete audio information and split stereo files into their individual elements, as well as offering a way to extract samples, for creative re-triggering. The offer is valid until July 1st.Regroover is an award-winning virtual instrument plugin that extracts stems from your loops and enables new beat-making workflows.

Sound Function In Dev C Pdf

The following example plays a sound-file resource:

The following example plays a system-event sound:

The following example is equivalent to the previous example, but uses an identifier for the system event:

The following example plays the sound for an application-specific alias in the registry:

The following example stops playback of a sound that is playing asynchronously:

Sound Function In Dev C 5


Sound Function In Dev C Download

Minimum supported client

Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]

Minimum supported server

Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]


Mmsystem.h (include Windows.h)





Unicode and ANSI names

PlaySoundW (Unicode) and PlaySoundA (ANSI)

Sound Function In Dev C Youtube

See also